Evros Agricultural Consulting - Agricultural Studies Services - Agricultural Consultants

Action 4.1.1

Implementation of investments that contribute to the competitiveness of the exploitation and 4.1.3 Implementation of investments that contribute to the use of RES as well as to the protection of the environment
Objectives of the Action
• Improving the competitiveness of viable farms.
• Improving the environmental profile of farms and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Eligible Expenditure for the Action 4.1.1
• Erection, expansion, modernization of agricultural buildings and structures Purchase, transfer and installation of new mechanical and other equipment
• Purchase, transfer and installation of perennial plantationsFencing and landscaping
• Purchase of a new beekeeping and floriculture car.

Eligible Expenditure for the Action 4.1.3
• Purchase, transfer and installation of new waste management equipment, by-products and residues of the holding, including the production of energy from them, for the needs of the holding.
• Construction of facilities for the management of waste, by-products and residues of the holding, including the production of energy from them, for the needs of the holding.
• Purchase, transfer and installation of new equipment for the use of Renewable Energy Sources to meet the needs of the operation
• General Expenses (such as fees for drafting and submitting a support and payment application, fees for engineers, consultants as well as fees for issuing necessary licenses)


ACTION 4.1.2 Implementation of investments that contribute to water savings

Goal of the Action
Providing support for investments that contribute to water savings and the sustainable management of water resources, including water storage at the farm level.

Eligible Costs

• Purchase, transfer and installation of new mechanical and other equipment in order to save water
• Investments in land improvements
• General Expenses (such as fees for the preparation and submission of support and payment applications, consultants as well as fees for the issuance of necessary licenses)